Jacksonville - 904-213-9100
650 Blanding Blvd - Orange Park, FL 32073

Gainesville - 352-332-8822
Tower Center (Next to Home Depot)  - 7229 NW 4th Blvd - Gainesville, FL 32607

Martin Appliance Family

Your GIANT Alternative

In 1990, Jeff's Uncle Kenneth and father decided to expand the Martin Appliance outreach. Gary established Martin Appliance Center on the growing Westside of Gainesville. Jeff helped choose a location next to the Home Depot - the brand new store just off Tower Road - in the still vacant Tower Center. The business boomed as locals rallied to the friendly, fun and easy to do business with Martins! Kenneth and Gary Martin began their journey into TV advertising. They enjoyed their businesses, their clients and each other! It came across on the screen and folks looked forward to each new commercial. Learn more...
Gary and Ken Martin
In 1948, Jeff's maternal great grandfather Buys retired from the automotive industry in Detroit, and began to pursue his passion for fixing things - mostly kitchen appliances. He was fascinated with refrigeration and began Buys Refrigeration Service after migrating to Gainesville to escape the snowy Michigan winters. Jeff's grandfather, Bob Martin, followed 10 years later. In short order, Buys & Martin Refrigeration was born. And, as they say, the rest is history!
Bob Martin

© 2012 - Martin Appliance Family, Inc. All rights reserved.
